Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Frugal Accomplishments 3rd Week of March

This past week was a mixture of success and failure, frugally speaking.  We did a pretty good job keeping our regular expenses low, but had a surprise with one car almost dying on us yesterday.  So, we're still waiting to hear what the cause might be and how much the repair will cost.  I'm grateful to have some savings and that the car didn't leave Benny and baby stranded.

Here are our frugal successes (and potential failures):

  • Cooked meals at home including:  Asian lettuce wraps (very good, definite repeat), Asian slaw, dinner salads with salmon patties, sloppy joes, eggs and greens, roasted veggies, breakfast for dinner, and smoothies.  The dinner salads with salmon patties were a date night meal, which was nice and something we hadn't made in a while.
  • We enjoyed some free meals at our Children's Council parent support groups, as well as dinner with Mom.  
  • Treated the family to a meal out since we had some gift card money to spend.  It was not our first choice of restaurant, so I think in the future, we may choose to resell the gift cards and spend the money elsewhere.  The meal upset both of our tummies, though it didn't seem to affect the boys.
  • Combined as many errands as possible with trips we were already making into town, including a trip to the grocery store.  I picked up some things on Thursday afternoon on my way to yoga (canned coconut milk, cabbage on sale for 17 cents/pound, and a few other small things).
  • Continued with potty training.  Baby is getting very good with things overall, although we still have an accident or two daily.  Sometimes it's just a battle of wills, but we'll work through it.
  • All laundry was handled as usual, with washing in cold and hanging to dry.  
  • I resisted the temptation to purchase some new shoes I saw on sale online.  So, while I'd have liked them, the $50 we saved by not purchasing them means that we've got more in our savings.
  • I put out an appeal to our faculty for trinkets for our treasure box at home.  A few folks have shared items, which makes the treasure box even more fun at home.  The boys are enjoying it, and it's saving us $2/week instead of purchasing something at the Dollar Tree each week.
  • Picked up pull ups at the Children's Council instead of purchasing them.  This saved us $7-$10.
  • On Saturday, the boys and I went to the library to make leprechaun traps (so fun!).  Then, we went to the Playhouse for some play time, and went to the Humane Society to take the items that little man had received for his birthday to donate there.  He loved the time in the kitty rooms, and was very proud to give his donations.  We saved the tax receipt for the donations.  It was more driving than I usually do on Saturdays, but worth it for the smiles and time petting the cats.
  • Gratefully accepted an offer by Mom to keep the boys so we could have a date night.  We stayed home and cooked together, which is something we enjoy but hadn't really had a chance to do in a while.  The dinner of large salads and salmon patties cost us nothing, because it was all from our regular grocery budget, and it helped us clear out the pantry a bit because we used canned salmon.  It was really only a one pan meal, too, since we just had to make and cook the patties.  We made them grain free by using almond flour and coconut flour instead of bread crumbs.
  • A wonderful coworker gave us some beautiful free range eggs, just because we shared extra egg cartons with her.  The eggs were clearly more nutritious than grocery store eggs, because the yolks were bright yellow-orange, almost like we'd added turmeric.  They made wonderful meals.
  • I used some ingredients we had on hand to make homemade berry popsicles with some coconut water, banana, and frozen berries.  They've been a big hit as dessert or a treat after school.
  • We took the boys up to the school yard near the house on Sunday afternoon to practice riding the bike and for some bubble play.  Little man is getting really good at his bike, although I'm afraid he's growing so fast he may need a new bike by summer!
  • We began planning our summer vacation.  We got dates on the calendar and are working on ways to save on these trips.  One will be to see family, so lodging and most food will be covered.  We're always sure to take some of our own food and purchase some of our own to help out.  The other trip will be to CA to see a wonderful friend.  We'll pay for this with travel points.  We will likely eat most of our meals with this friend, and take advantage of a hotel breakfast, so meals shouldn't be too expensive.  We'll do a quick shopping trip while there to provide for any snacks or picnic items we might need.
  • The previously mentioned car repair is a financial drain, but we're hoping it won't be too big.  We've been trying to set aside some funds to purchase a new car, but had hoped that we could wait to do that.  We'll see what the repairs entail.
  • We were grateful to receive a box of gleaned produce, organic non-dairy milk, yogurt, etc. from the food pantry.  This, plus the little bit we had to purchase at the grocery store, will get us through this week nicely.  We continue to try to work down our freezer and pantry shelves.
  • I took on a curriculum consultant position with a local art and history museum for their upcoming exhibits to develop lesson plans for them.  I was able to work a few hours this week on that project, so I've documented my time.  I'll submit my initial draft of the first lesson plan to see what they think and so that I know how to proceed with the others.  I'm happy for the side gig work, and am hopeful that it might lead to more consulting work with them in the future.
  • I also applied for a summer professional development opportunity.  The stipend is substantial, so we're hopeful that I'll get in.  However, if I don't, it will still be a wonderful summer with the boys at home.  I'm really looking forward to that time with them.  
What did you do to live and save green this past week?  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I don’t know if there is a 4h program in the area where you live, but several summers I signed up to teach classes at the 4 h programs and my kids were able to come with me or take other classes for free,

    1. There is a 4 H here! When the kids are a bit older, I might look into teaching with them. Thanks for the idea!

  2. It’s such a good program and my kids learned tons of stuff.
