Friday, April 12, 2019

10 Ways to Entertain a Family on a Budget

We are all about entertaining our children on a budget.  Kids generally don't want anything other than time with you, the parent, when you get right down to it.  So, when it comes to entertaining our kids during the day, or weekend, we try really hard to make it quality time and something that we'll all enjoy.  So, here some of the ways we try to honor our family principles and quality time together.

Public Library (Free!)
We try to go to the public library at least once a week.  Our children's librarians do a great job of story time, but also other activities.  Recently, they had materials out to build leprechaun traps for St. Patrick's Day.  They regularly have a scavenger hunt up for kids, as well as other things.  The summer reading program is probably our favorite thing they do, and many public libraries have them.  The boys love visiting the library, and we also find that it's a great meeting place for us, and there are many times when we need a quiet space to do some work that we find ourselves there.

Local Park (Free!)
We're fortunate to live in an area that has many local parks.  Some are more natural areas, while others are specifically designed with children and families in mind.  One of our favorite parks has great play equipment, but also nice trails for biking and walking.  The great thing about parks is that they're free and the kids get loads of energy out, so they're getting their vitamin D and a good night's rest (which means more time for Mommy and Daddy to have an at home date when they crash early!)

Image result for park and playground google images

Visit a Local Farm or Farmer's Market (usually free)
If your kids are anything like ours, they love animals!  Visiting a local farm or farmer's market almost guarantees seeing farm animals doing their thing, as well as a pretty up close experience.  Our local CSA farmer organizes farm visits a few times a season, which we love, because it means our kids are really learning where their food comes from.  Sometimes, the kids are even invited to eat from the farm too, which is super cool and means they're getting some extra veggies in too.

Take a Hike (Free!)
In most areas, there are at least a few hiking trails around.  If you're in a big city, you can probably find a state or national park within easy driving distance.  We love to visit our local hiking trails, some of which have waterfalls or other cool things to look at along the trail.  By packing a picnic, it means that we can make a day of it, and it usually doesn't cost us anything more than the gas to get there.  Hiking is also an excellent way to get some exercise, and we're beginning to be able to teach our kids about some of the cool edible plants out there, as well as some of the wildlife native to our area.  Do you have a favorite local hiking trail?

Family Pizza and Movie/Game Night (Free, depending on ingredients on hand)
We used to do family pizza night every Friday night.  We'd make homemade dough in our bread machine and use our homemade pesto and go from there.  This cast iron pizza dip also sounds incredible. Since we've gone mostly gluten free, we're experimenting with almond flour crusts, and we think we've found a good one.  It's a little more costly than the wheat based one, but it's worth it for our health.  We then add whatever veggies or toppings we have on hand.  Movie choices are easy now with Netflix (or whatever you pick up from your local library) and as the boys get older, games are easier to play.  We're really looking forward to them getting old enough to get into board games.  You could even organize a game swap with friends if you're kids are getting a little bored with the selections at your house.

Cookout or Camp-out (Free or low cost, depending on venue)
Our family loves a good cookout, but who doesn't?!  It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, and if you plan ahead, you can use some things in your freezer or pantry to pull it off pretty easily and inexpensively.  We try to keep quality ground beef and chicken in the freezer, so if we plan well, we can easily thaw that in the refrigerator.  That means all we need is sides to go with burgers or grilled chicken, which might include pasta salad, green salad, sliced fruit, or some grilled veggies.  One of the things I love about the grill is that it doesn't heat up the kitchen in the summer, and cleanup is generally pretty easy. 

If you're planning a camp-out, it might take a little more prep, but if you have your own camping gear it's pretty simple.  We have friends who have a flat yard, so there are times we just do a friend's camp-out there.  Other times, we rent a site at a local park for a few dollars a night.  Either way, it's a fun outing and quality family time.  We usually take the ingredients to make foil pouch campfire meals.  Do you have a favorite camp-out dish you make?  Share it in the comments below!

Water Play or Pool (Free or low cost)
If you're looking for a summer activity to wear your kids out, consider water play!  We have several rivers, creeks, etc. in the area where the kids can play.  Our local children's museum (which we have a gift membership to) has a water table outside that's loads of fun too.  Playing outside in the water is a great way for kids to get some energy out, engage in positive play with peers, and stay cool on a warm day. 

We love our local pool too, for water play.  It can get a little packed out on some days, so we try to go on the early side, but it's loads of fun.  It was tougher with the boys when they were smaller, but now that they're big enough to trust a bit in the water, it's much easier.  We usually take snacks so that we don't have to purchase from the vending machines, saving our wallets and getting healthier snacks into their bellies.

Local Community Events (Free or low cost)
With Easter coming up, there are Easter egg hunts all over the place.  Our public library is awesome at organizing events for holidays, and many area churches and organizations put together egg hunts.  We've attended local school international arts nights, science nights, etc., which are generally open to anyone in the community, not just that school community.  The boys really like attending vacation Bible school at a local church and it's always really well organized and run.  This weekend, our local children's museum is putting together a huge event for kids to explore all things science, math, and arts related.  There are so many free events to check out in your community, especially if you're plugged in.  If you're new to the area, the local library is usually a great resource, not only for the events they plan, but also because they know of other community resources and events.

Children's Council (Free)
Our area children's council does a great job of organizing parent support groups with free child care.  They offer several of these throughout the week, and there are various incentives to participate.  There is a toy library that they have for checkout, and they also organize the signup for The Imagination Library, which provides free books to kids ages birth to 5.  Our boys love getting their books in the mail, and the toy library is phenomenal.  It's a great way to try out new toys without having to sink money into them.

Bowling (Low Cost)
Through Kids Bowl Free, our kids get to bowl two games for free throughout the summer.  There is a charge for shoes (half price), and you can include adults for a discounted rate.  We have saved some on the adults by buying our own blowing shoes (we still rent the kids, since their feet are growing so fast).  This is a great rainy day activity and the kiddos love it.  Check it out to see if your local bowling alley participates!

Bonus!  Games at home (Free!)
There are so many games to play at home.  My kiddos are young, but here are a few that are regular hits around our house:

  • Hide and Seek
  • Scavenger hunt/treasure hunt (hide toys.plastic eggs, etc. and hunt for them)
  • Build your own race track (using recycled materials like card board, etc.)
  • Outdoor play:  balls, running, tag, remote control cars, fill bird feeders, etc.
  • Play kitchen
  • Puppet shows
  • Build a fort with sheets/blankets and read stories
  • Make a snack in the kitchen:  air popped popcorn, cookies, energy bites, etc.
  • Coloring/art centers
  • Make a game with math problems.  Do math with edible manipulatives such as raisins, nuts, green peas, or chocolate chips

What low cost entertainment ideas do you have for your kids or family?  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Have you heard of hulafrog? See if there is one for your area. It lists weekly free or next to nothing activities in the community for families with kids.its a weekly email with local activities
