Saturday, February 20, 2016

Frugal Accomplishments

This past week we did pretty well.  I limited grocery spending to $10, including a pack of diapers.  We also had a few snow days, so that limited travel, which saved on gas.

I continue to dream about spring gardens, which I think every gardener does.  I'm having to keep myself in check though, and think realistically about what I can do after a c-section and with a newborn and three year old in tow.

So, here are the details for this past week:

  • Made all meals from scratch.  Was thankful for some leftovers that Mom gave us after Sunday night dinner, which made several lunches this week.  We used the crockpot to make another batch of "lasagna soup" with a partial box of pasta we had, and it turned out really well.
  • Graciously accepted some gifted potatoes.  Our 25 lb bag we purchased at the end of market season is almost out, so we're glad to have a few more for baking and roasting.
  • Made banana breakfast bars and lemon poppy seed muffins for the freezer for when baby comes.  (Our church is far less organized about providing meals than a few years ago, so we really don't know that we can count on that this time around.  We do have a few friends who have offered.)
  • Continued to compost and recycle, as we usually do, and took recycling off with other errands this week.  Now that we've almost got little man out of diapers (he's only in them at night time), and we're buying more in bulk, we're filling a kitchen trash bag about every two weeks.  (Yes, this will change when baby #2 arrives.)
  • I cut up a torn brown paper bag to use for cooking bacon in the microwave, instead of paper towels.  (We are on our last roll of paper towels, which I think we purchased back in August as a six-pack, but I'm hoping to try out a paper towel-free kitchen.  We're already really close.)
  • Washed all clothing in cold water and hung to dry.  We only used the dryer for towels.  It was even warm and breezy enough yesterday to hang a few things out on the clothes line (it was in the mid-40s).
  • Continue to look for deals on laundry detergent, as we are on our last bottle.  I only use the Seventh Generation stuff, or All free and clear, or Charlie's Soap.  I've considered making our own, but just don't have the time or energy to go there just now.
  • Made more homemade shower spray using dish soap and white vinegar and a re-purposed spray bottle.
  • Made use of a free online printable chore chart for little man, so he is now helping regularly with feeding pets, putting his clean clothes away, putting away toys, and dusting.  He also get stickers for doing his speech homework.
  • Spent a total of less than $10 at the grocery store for a cantaloupe, two bags of frozen veggies, two boxes of frozen egg rolls, and a pack of diapers.  
  • Was tempted to order Domino's pizza for when Benny's mom comes into town, but have opted to make a double batch of our own dough and make our own.  It will be cheaper, and healthier, and the boys can help to put toppings on, which is always fun.
  • Had a doctor's appointment, and had to get yet another prescription, but thankfully it was only $12.  
  • Picked up two books from The Children's Playhouse, which loans out books on parenting, kids activities, etc.  The local library has a lot, but the Playhouse has more in terms of parenting books, which is really nice.  We also took little man to the Playhouse two days this week to play, which he really enjoyed.  (Thanks to my mom for the membership for the year.)
  • The snow early this week was perfect snowman snow, so little man finally got to make a snow man with Daddy, which was super cute and he really enjoyed.  Hurray for free entertainment at home!

  • Made plans with friends for a shared meal next week, which will save on prep, and be a lot of fun.
  • The chickens are laying again!  That means that we don't have to purchase eggs from the grocery store, and that we'll get healthier eggs.  This is super exciting... we'll have hard boiled eggs for snacks, quiche for dinner, dinner salads as spring greens come in, and yummy breakfasts!
What about you?  How did you live and save green this week?  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. With a new baby I will garden while the baby is napping, and take the baby monitor outside with me. The other thing I have done is take the baby out in a car seat into the garden while I am working.

    I use the Kitchen Aid grater attachment to grate the soap for homemade laundry soap. It really helps to make it a quick job.

    1. Thanks for the tips! Our washer is a newer model, so it only takes liquid detergent. It sounds like making the liquid variety is a little more work, but you're right, using the grater attachment would really help.
