We love how the branches fill the space in that corner, while still allowing you to see through to the wall color. The original plan was to stain the branches, but when we got them home, we realized that the natural color fit right in with the shades in the tiles on the tub surround. The contrast of the organic texture of the twigs is a nice contrast with the graphic weave of the pottery basket (used to be an umbrella stand, I think).
Now, we have to figure out what to do with the little one on the opposite side. Do you have any budget-friendly or free ideas? Do you think the white frame collage will be too much with the twiggy deal in the corner? I'd love to hear from you!
Do the collage! Keep it simple. Streamlined. It will look fabulous and add a little extra "glimmer" (from the glass) and another layer of contrast (esp if you did your picture in black/white). I can't wait to see what you decide! If you need inspiration let me know. I have a list of fabulous blogs that do a lot with picture frames and collages. :)